Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Full-Circle Mentorship Program

Mentorship Program Revitalization and Management

American Indian Science and Engineering Society, April 2021 - Present

Objective: To revitalize and grow an existing Full-Circle Mentorship program to better align with new partner, Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, and organizational goals as well as provide more valuable mentorship experiences for participants.

Assessment and Needs Analysis:

  • Conducted a comprehensive assessment of the existing mentorship program, including surveys, interviews, and focus groups with mentors and mentees.
  • Identified key areas for improvement and gathered feedback on participants' expectations and goals.

Program Redesign and Restructuring:

  • Collaborated with Jack Kent Cooke Foundation to redesign the mentorship program framework, including goals, structure, and guidelines.
  • Introduced a tiered mentorship model, allowing for mentorship at different career stages and experience levels.
  • Developed updated program guidelines and resources to facilitate effective mentor-mentee relationships.

Recruitment and Matching:

  • Established a targeted recruitment strategy to attract Indigenous mentors and mentees with diverse STEM skills, backgrounds, and experiences.
  • Implemented a data-driven matching process, considering participants' goals, STEM field, and interests.
  • Conducted orientation sessions to align expectations and set clear program objectives for both mentors and mentees.

Training and Resources:

  • Designed and delivered mentorship training sessions to equip mentors with effective communication, coaching, and leadership skills.
  • Provided mentees with resources, such as goal-setting templates and career development guides, to maximize the value of their mentorship experience.
  • Introduced monthly mentorship workshops and webinars to foster continuous learning and skill development.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

  • Established key performance indicators (KPIs), such as frequency of mentor/mentee meetings, to measure the success and impact of the revitalized program.
  • Conducted regular check-ins with mentors and mentees to assess progress and address any challenges or concerns.
  • Implemented a feedback system to gather input from participants and make real-time adjustments.

Celebrating Success and Recognition:

  • Recognized outstanding mentors and mentees through an annual awards ceremony, celebrating their achievements and contributions.
  • Shared success stories and testimonials to inspire program participants and attract new mentors and mentees.
  • Collaborated with internal communications teams to showcase the revitalized program's impact within the organization.

Promotion and Expansion:

  • Launched a targeted marketing campaign to promote the revitalized mentorship program internally and externally.
  • Explored opportunities to expand the program's reach to other departments or regions, such as AISES chapters, within the organization.

Results and Impact:

  • The revitalized mentorship program experienced a 80% increase in mentor and mentee participation compared to the year 1 and 40% increase in year 2.
  • 62% of program participants reported a significant improvement in their professional skills and career growth as a result of their mentorship experience.
  • The program's success stories and testimonials were shared widely, leading to a 75% increase in interest from potential mentors and mentees.
  • Working with Resource Development Team to include mentorship participation opinions to corporate, organization, and federal partners.
  • Participant feedback consistently indicated high satisfaction with the program's structure, resources, and impact.
  • The mentorship program became a key component of the organization's membership development strategy, contributing to member retention and STEM career advancement.